A Game of Thrones LCG: Lions of Casterly Rock: 2nd Edition

“My brother is undoubtedly arrogant,” Tyrion Lannister replied. “My father is the soul of avarice, and my sweet sister Cersei lusts for power with every waking breath. I, however, am innocent as a little lamb.”
–George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Tywin Lannister: Warden of the West and lord of his House. Ser Jaime Lannister: the Kingslayer and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Cersei Lannister: Robert Baratheon’s queen, Crown Regent for Joffrey Baratheon, and one of the most beautiful women in the realm. Tyrion Lannister: Hand of the King and defender of King’s Landing. Across Westeros, the very names of the Lannisters command instant recognition and respect. Tales of their wealth are legendary—matched only by stories of their cunning and ruthlessness. From the Sunset Sea to the Iron Throne, the lions of Lannister hold Westeros in a golden fist.
Lions of Casterly Rock, the second deluxe expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, invites you to take your place among the storied names of House Lannister. Within this expansion, the Lannisters explore new themes, launching an ambush with their Clansman allies, redoubling their focus on the intrigue challenge, and sending out marauders to pillage the lands of Westeros. You’ll also find new versions of the most iconic Lannister characters, including Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Ser Jaime Lannister, and Tyrion Lannister. Of course, while House Lannister holds the spotlight here, you’ll also gain two new non-loyal cards for each other faction with new characters entering the game for the first time, including Edric Storm, Victarion Greyjoy, Trystane Martell, and Jeyne Westerling. Finally, you’ll have the chance to reshape your plot decks with seven new plots (six neutral and one loyal to House Lannister).
The greatest knights. The most beautiful ladies. The most ruthless commanders. Coffers overflowing with millions of gold dragons. When you join your fortunes to House Lannister, you become the real power behind the throne. Your enemies have one choice: bow before the lion’s might or face his claws.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of the A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Core Set 2nd Edition is required to play.
Lord of the Rings LCG: The City of Corsairs

"Looking thither they cried in dismay; for black against the glittering stream they beheld a fleet borne up on the wind: dromunds, and ships of great draught with many oars, and with black sails bellying in the breeze."
–J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
The City of Corsairs is the thrilling conclusion to the Dream-chaser cycle of Adventure Packs for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! Its new scenario grants your heroes the opportunity to board the Dream-chaser one last time, set sail for the lands of Umbar, and conclude your business with the Corsairs once and for all. But will you truly be ready for the dangers that await you? Featuring not one, but two new encounter sets, The City of Corsairs challenges you to navigate Umbar's coastal waters and battle past Corsair Ships before you set foot on land to pursue the Númenorean artifact that was stolen from you. Don't expect this task to be easy, though! In their lands, the Corsairs you'll face are deadlier than ever, and the Númenorean artifact grants them a strange and corrupting power.
Fortunately, you don't have to undertake this journey alone. Not only does The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to adventure with up to as many as three of your friends, but it allows you to fill your deck with numerous allies and as many as three heroes. And you find new options for both within The City of Corsairs, including a host of Gondor allies and one of the noblest and most notable names in The Lord of the Rings, Prince Imrahil, who arrives as a Tactics hero, ready for battle.
Even with Prince Imrahil and the might of Gondor on your side, you will need to beware the skill, cunning, and ferocity of Umbar's Corsairs. Will you finally rid the coastal waters of their menace? Or will you find yourself in over your head? Either way, your adventures through the Dream-chaser cycle end with The City of Corsairs.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings Core Set is required to play.
Runebound: Fall of the Dark Star

$16.95 SRP
The coming of the dark star has long been foretold among the dark prophets of Terrinoth. When it falls, they say, an age of darkness will overtake the world, and its coming shall be heralded by a rain of dark shards that corrupt every stout and honorable soul. This dark and corrupted Terrinoth becomes the focus of your struggle to survive with the Fall of the Dark Star Scenario Pack.
Runebound: The Mountains Rise

In the wilds of Terrinoth, strange beasts have begun to gather. Innocent townsfolk hurry home at night, barring their doors behind them, as bloodthirsty, savage creatures venture farther and farther from their lairs in search of their next meal. The realm has called upon its greatest heroes to venture into the hills and mountains to confront this threat. Only the most stalwart will return with The Mountains Rise Adventure Pack!
Like other Adventure Packs, The Mountains Rise offers new cards that can be incorporated into any existing scenario to dramatically change the flavor and feel. Fifteen new adventure cards (five per deck) introduce new enemies, events, and quests while twenty new asset cards and ten new skill cards give you dozens of new ways to customize your hero. Many of these new assets come with new combat tokens, some of which introduce new combat symbols to the game—ensuring that your Runebound battles will never be the same. Finally, you’ll gain an entirely new hero—Nanok of the Blade, a warrior who eschews armor in favor of the pure thrill of battle.
In the world of Terrinoth, danger is never more than a step away. Monsters are common; evil forces work ceaselessly to destroy the righteous. Yet with this danger comes a world of adventure, opportunity, and glory.
This is not a complete game experience. Runebound Core Set is required to play.
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest LCG: Searching for Truth War Pack

“The secrets of the universe are within my grasp. You cannot stop me now.”
–Illuminor Szeras
On the surface of Nectavus VI, an ancient being has waited and watched for centuries. As blood rains down from tainted skies and the power of the Warp is unleashed above the jungle canopy, this ancient watcher rises at last. He has observed the secret workings of the galaxy and seen things beyond the eyes of mortals. Now, he will lead the Necrons to restore their dynasties and renew their dominion over the entire galaxy.
Journey once more into the treacherous jungles of Nectavus VI with Searching for Truth! Like the other War Packs of the Death World cycle, this expansion focuses on the new Deep Strike keyword, offering plenty of new cards that you can play face down, only revealing them when it’s most advantageous to you. Elite units continue to gain power, and a new Necron warlord invites you to reap the rewards of repairing your warriors and keeping your armies fully operational. Nectavus VI will run red with the blood of warring armies, but only one faction can claim the final victory.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of the Warhammer 40,000: Conquest Core Set is required to play.
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest LCG: Against the Great Enemy

“I bring only death and leave only corpses.”
–Jain Zar, Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees
As a rain of blood pours down on Nectavus VI, the forces of Chaos run rampant, eager to devour this verdant, deadly world. Noisome daemons and foul Warp-things alike are opposed by the might of the Imperium—powerful Space Marines and legions of the Astra Militarum—but unbeknownst to all who bleed and die on this tormented world, a new player has entered the scene. An Eldar Phoenix Lord has joined the fight, moving invisibly and bringing death without warning. Her only goal is to destroy those who have brought the abomination of Chaos into the material realm, and she will slay any who stand in her way.
Against the Great Enemy is a new War Pack in the Death World cycle, and within this expansion, you’ll continue to find support for this cycle’s major themes. Additional Deep Strike cards enter the card pool, giving your units, attachments, and events new ways to arrive at the battlefield unseen by your foes. Elite units continue to become more effective and dangerous, even as a new Eldar warlord and her signature squad invite you to lead the Howling Banshees into the battle for Nectavus VI!
A shadow is moving through the Warp-enraged jungles of Nectavus VI, faster than the mortal eye can see. As the battle for Nectavus enters its final stages, only the most determined warriors will stand triumphant. Will the planet fall to Chaos, or will the armies of the Immaterium beat a path through the jungle to destroy the Chaos warlord? The choice is yours.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of the Warhammer 40,000: Conquest Core Set is required to play.
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